Thursday, 30 June 2011

The joys of message boards!

Well there has certainly been some activity on the message boards as of late!! I think I have just waded though about 130 posts!

I thought I should pick up on a few of the points raised. Firstly yes, most of our OEM deals come with a 'gagging clause' as the client does not want their customer to know that we are doing work for them.

In terms of the dilution that is spoken about, can I urge interested parties to take a look at the Super8K filed for the reverse merge, consider the share structure declared, and what may have been converted by certain parties given that 12 months has now passed from that date? All the information is there and is disclosed.

The company was not involved in the "PR Blitz" their disclosure covers this.

As to the comments about me personally on the boards, thanks guys, appreciated :( - good job i'm thick skinned. I've been advised not to post on message boards and prefer to respond in this blog that I have control over what is written about the company and the directors.

Are we all busy at the moment - absolutely. And yes, we're all traveling a lot (Sales Team and Management) which is why we have been unable to respond to certain questions posed in a timely manor. We have more opportunities today than we ever have. If only a small fraction of these come off, we'll be a very different looking company in the near future.

That's me for now - a conference call to attend to


Monday, 6 June 2011

FATIH Tender in Turkey - 125K units

The rumor mill is buzzing at the moment about the suspected 125K unit FATIH government Interactive Whiteboard tender in Turkey. Every manufacturer is looking to get a piece of the action. However, what is clear is that the Turkish Government likes to "buy Turkish" so we're in a prime position for this one.

Timeframes and exact specification are still not clear - looking good though - watch this space

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Potential partner in Oz

An interesting conference call this morning with a large IT/AV player from Australia. What is apparent is that the market is very much open to new players and the usual suspects have not really obtained a strong position.

The strategy of a few key focussed resellers pushing the product there could be interesting.

Watch this space as this develops